Sharpening The Competition Mindset (3 Tips)

In BJJ we tend to train our bodies very well. We eat great and hit the gym and academy regularly. We end up being...

Support Local Fight Shops !

All too often I find myself searching the internet for new gear on both direct websites and other sites like amazon. However there is...

5 People We Run Into In Jiu-Jitsu

We sure do meet many different types of people in Jiu-Jitsu don’t we? Jiu-Jitsu brings in all kinds of people that are all there...

5 Coaching Tips

Every few months now we see some video of a terrible coach yelling and screaming negative comments during a grappling tournament. These comments have...

Don’t Fall Prey To The Injury Bug: Mental Factors (Part 2)

Part 1 of this series emphasized physical factors that contribute to injury. Black belt and physical therapist Mike Pellegrino (DPT) gave tips for how...

Do you use your strengths to improve upon your weaknesses?

As I improve my jiu-jitsu, I try to find ways to strengthen my game.  One methodology I’ve been playing with lately is learning to...

So, You Just Lost The Big Tournament?

When you win a competition, things seem so great. You are on top of the world. But, if you are serious about the sport, a...

Here’s How Jiu-Jitsu Can Help You Be A More Successful Businessperson

Jiu-jitsu has a lot of real-life applications, and no one knows this better than Tallis Gomes. Gomes is "just" a blue belt in jiu-jitsu,...

5 Bad Habits of New Students

Have you ever rolled with a white belt and thought to yourself, what the heck are you doing??Maybe you are a white belt, and...

Goal Setting: Top 10

We all have dreams and aspirations. The task set before us is figuring out how to be successful in achieving the goals we...