Dustin Poirier Describes What It’s Like To Grapple With Khabib Nurmagomedov

It’s no secret that retired UFC champion Khabib Nurmagomedov is a great grappler (and recently, he’s been showing the jiu-jitsu community some moves, too). But just how good is his grappling? Well, one of his former opponents, fellow UFC great Dustin Poirier, has given his opinion.

In an interview, Poirier described what it felt like to grapple with Nurmagomedov in their fight, and in what may come as a surprise to some fans, he said that the undefeated fighter didn’t feel “super strong.” However, don’t take that to mean that Nurmagomedov wasn’t good— in fact, the truth is quite the opposite.

“His position and his balance were so good. He knew where my weight was, where it needed to be to get in a better position. He is just so advanced.”

You can watch the interview segment below:



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