Veterans Charity Holds BJJ Focused Gala Event To Boost Awareness For a Noble Cause

The healing power of jiu-jitsu works in unconventional ways, and the journey to black belt and beyond not only forges practitioners grappling skills but can also improve other areas of their lives as well. In fact, recent studies have shown those intangible elements of the art to be of significant service for many that suffer emotional pain, particularly for veterans affected by PTSD.

The We Defy Foundation is a charitable organization that offers scholarships for jiu-jitsu training to veterans suffering the effects of PTSD by screening eligible candidates and helping to place them in academies nationwide. To date, they have placed over 150 participants and hope to see those numbers grow in the future by 5 new members a month on a one-year scholarship.

But that goal is going to require some serious funding as explained by We Defy National Ambassador Coordinator TJ Kreutzer. “We can sell t-shirts and hold fundraising open mats, but in order for us to really make a difference we are going to need to attract institutional funding from Veterans organizations and medical grants.” A difficult task considering the narrow reach Jiu-Jitsu has to the masses. “People that do Jiu-Jitsu understand what we are talking about when we explain why our scholarships work, but it’s difficult to bridge that gap to people that don’t train.” says TJ.  

So in an effort to raise awareness to their cause, this Saturday, Nov. 2nd, We Defy will hold a gala event in downtown Los Angeles designed to help them reach their goal of attracting funding from outside of the Jiu-Jitsu community. The event will have a silent auction and guest speakers that included Chris Haueter and Professor Brian Marvin, both of whom are noteworthy figures in the Jiu-Jitsu community as well as former military men. A comedy performance from LA-based comedian Steven Briggs also rounds out the event which has all the makings to be an entertaining and informative night.

“Only having funding for 40 active athletes at a time leaves a giant void for us to fill. We currently have over 50 qualified soldiers waiting for open slots. We just don’t have the money to sponsor them.” say TJ. “We hope to one day not have to make these guys have to wait.”

If you are in the area and would like to go and show support or just give a donation click the link below and help a soldiers suffering the scars of service get the help they so desperately deserve.

We Defy Gala Event


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