Felipe Pena Defeats Keenan Cornelius To Win $10,000 At Mariana Open

During the April 16th event, Pena defeated previous winner Keenan Cornelius and earned a substantial amount of prize money.

Felipe had to beat two other opponents before reaching the final match. He trounced Guilherme Augusto in a 2-0 triumph. Subsequently, Pena won the semifinal by defeating Terrence Aflague. Igor Schneider also beat Aflague during this event.

Although he lost to Pena, Keenan Cornelius performed quite well in the Mariana Open. He started by using a baratoplata to win a fight with Jacob Guerrero. Next, Cornelius faced Igor Schneider. He successfully employed an omoplata to become the winner of this match.

The top three competitors received a total of $15,000. Felipe Pena defeated all challengers, so he won $10,000. Keenan Cornelius gained $3,000 for reaching second place. Schneider came in third and qualified for a $2,000 prize.


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