Jiu-Jitsu: A Love story (Literally)

Jiu Jitsu as we all know, is a beautiful thing. For many of us it’s our mistress, our home away from home. After a long day at the job(or at school), we all goto our sanctuary to destress. All these different walks of life unite on the tatami for a couple hours a week to unwind with their fellow tribesman. Our journeys are all unique with different short term goals. Some of us our innate competitors or “naturals” while others love the art for it’s beauty or effectiveness. One thing that’s for sure is Jiu Jitsu is a catalyst for an overall healthier life. Aside from learning effective techniques, it teaches you how to deal with obstacles. It teaches you how to resolve conflict. It teaches you how to network. It teaches you how to relate. I believe Jiu Jitsu makes you a better person.

BJJ Love Story
BJJ Love Story

My name is Mike Palladino and my Jiu Jitsu journey began in 2007 at 18. I met the girl of my dreams at my very first Jiu Jitsu class. We’ve been dating since 2009 and we opened up our own Academy in 2014. With my coaches Rafael Formiga and Vlad Koulikov at my side at this past weekend’s promotions, I surprised everyone by asking the girl of my dreams to marry me.





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