Jon Jones Passes Polygraph Test, Could He Be Innocent After All?

The MMA world has come down hard on Jon “Bones” Jones, and with good reason.

While the former Light Heavyweight Champion — and arguably one of the most talented mixed martial artists in history — has put on spectacular performance after spectacular performance in the cage, his out-of-the-cage antics have gotten him in trouble.

Cocaine, leaving the scene of a car accident after hitting a pregnant woman — those are but two of the incidents that have hampered Jon Jones’ otherwise illustrious career.

Recently, Jon Jones was stripped of his title (again!) after it turned out he had tested positive for the steroid Turinabol.

Jones claimed he didn’t take it knowingly. Naturally, the MMA world looked at his previous history of taking illegal drugs and scoffed at him.

But could Jon Jones have been telling the truth?

According to a recent polygraph test, yes!

MMA Fighting recently reported that Jon Jones took a polygraph test on December 7 — and passed! The test was conducted by the PGP Polygraph & Interviewing Service in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Neither the UFC nor the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) asked him to take the test.

So, where does this leave Jones?

Bones has been provisionally suspended and is set for his hearing in front of the California State Athletic Commission next month.

This test may change things.


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