Keep Your Recovery Game Strong

Before going into any details about recovery, I’ll offer the general answer I give when asked about it. Train as often as you can while being as recovered as you can. I give this answer because it will vary amongst individuals given the recovery resources used, age, time available for training/recovery, and daily responsibilities/work. I’m a firm believer that age doesn’t have to make much of a difference as long as you are properly recovering. I often see people’s lives getting busier with career, responsibilities, and families as they age which alters the time and energy available but does not necessarily alter recovery because of their age. Younger individuals have age on their side but often have fewer responsibilities/stress, therefore recovering faster.

The top two recovery options that I believe are the best for jiu-jitsu and are both free– stretching and sleep. Getting the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep is essential not only to physical recovery but mental as well. Your attitude will thank you as well as your body for this sleep. Lack of sleep can also affect your appetite hormones which come into play with your nutrition for recovery. Since jiu-jitsu is not only a training session where you are going through the motions of exercises, you need your mind to be clear when learning a new skill. Stretch at the end of the class an additional times per day as needed. Focus on giving extra time to areas and/or sides of the body that are used more depending on your game. Yoga is also a great form of recovery that includes stretching, breathwork, and clearing your mind.

Nutrition is also very important in recovery. Eat as many whole foods as possible and limit white flour and white sugar. Typically, most people need a multivitamin to get all of their nutrients even if they eat healthily. Consume plenty of vegetables of all colors and an adequate amount of protein. Consuming 75%-100% of your body weight in grams of protein per day is ideal. Make certain you are staying hydrated throughout the day with at least 3L of water for females and 4L for males each day. Drink at least every 2 hours for the body to retain the fluid. Depending on how much you sweat, rehydrate with electrolytes following jiu-jitsu class. Also, take some form of amino acids for muscle recovery.

Additional types of recovery I recommend are PEMF therapy, chiropractic adjustments, massage, acupuncture, cupping, ice bath/cold shower, CBD oil, and sauna. I suggest a massage at least once a month for any person. The others you can decide depending on any issues/soreness you are experiencing. For all of these, the frequency and options used will have to be decided by you and can change from week to week. Strength training is also suggested, not as recovery per se, but to keep the body strong and less likely to get injured. Give some of these a try to determine what works best for your body, schedule, and budget. When you feel healthy, strong, and recovered on a regular basis while training at the amount you desire, then you have determined what works for you.


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