Marine Veteran Robert Consulmagno Battling PTSD And Bipolar

Robert Consulmagno, a Marine Veteran Says Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Changed His Life. Consulmagno spent his childhood trying to avoid violence. After his father committed suicide when Consulmagno was 10 years old, his mother remarried a man that physically abused them both. Consulmagno hoped he would find reprieve by joining the Marines in 1991, only to find himself getting into fights and disputes with authority.

Consulmagno was honorably discharged from the Marines after five years of service, and for 16 years sought peace though many different avenues. He attended college and started multiple different jobs, but couldn’t escape conflict in either area. In a visit to a VA hospital, he found out that he was bipolar, and had Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from his troubled and abusive childhood. It may sound surprising, then, that it was actually fighting that helped center him.

In 2012, Consulmagno began taking Brazilian jiu-jitsu lessons. Because of the nature of the sport, it is crucial that participants trust each other. Consulmagno says he therefore found comfort in the family-like environment of martial arts. Consulmagno also found a cathartic outlet; jiu-jitsu allowed him to leave his troubles at the door, and the extra endorphins didn’t hurt.

Consulmagno is now advocating that the VA sees the value of martial arts as therapy. For Consulmagno, the nightmare of his early years left him immobile and without a sense of purpose. Brazilian jiu-jitsu changed Consulmagno’s life, allowing him to fight his fears. Ranked 1st in the world, Consulmagno isn’t just fighting, he’s winning.


  1. He is a fake. There is nothing wrong with this man. I’ve trained with him and am a vet myself. He May have ptsd from his childhood but nothing stemming from his military service…the man never deployed yet some how gets 100% disability from the va…for traumatic events he was witness to during his childhood…mean while the men and woman who come back from these wars with serious injuries are not given the proper treatment they deserve…Rob only cares about Rob and the publicity he receives is a disgrace

  2. It doesn’t say he has PTSD from his service! It clearly states bi-polar and PTSD stemming from child hood events. You say you know him and there’s nothing wrong with him, and the next sentence say he has press from his past?! Sounds like you’re jealous bro… I do agree us veterans with issues need better care! However, I use the San Francisco VA medical center and they treat me pretty damn good!
    Good luck with whatever trouble you!

    • Exactly it stems from his childhood…why does he get a 100% disability from the VA then ? sounds like he cheated the system…there’s no honor in that


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