The Problem With Dating In The Academy

Team Ironside/ Flickr Creative Commons

We have all seen those BJJ couples and thought wow wouldn’t that be nice ? While at the surface it seems like a lofty ideal that we could train and spend more time with our significant other, there are draw backs. All things considered it is probably better to keep dating out of the academy, although we all have seen it be successful, more often than not it will become an issue in a variety of ways. Here are some of the top issues with dating in the academy.

  • The Break Up– fact is, most relationships eventually fail. Although you don’t want to condemn a relationship from the get go, if and when it fails you will end up either having one party leave the academy or there will be some awkwardness in the fallowing months.
  • Alone Time– In the case that both parties are very dedicated alone time becomes increasingly hard to get. Jiu Jitsu is a great outlet to really get away from your home life and just focus on training, but if you train with your spouse this will become a activity for you both together. This is not to say that there isn’t a lot of great things about training with your spouse, but remember relationships do require some time where both parties are separate.
  • Jealousy– Lets face it Jiu-Jitsu is a very close contact sport and if you are the jealous type , it may be better if your partner doesn’t train. This seems silly, but is non the less true. If you have a problem with your boyfriend, girlfriend, wife or husband training and talking/spending time with members of the opposite sex then you probably shouldn’t train together.

I want to state that I am not saying that you shouldn’t train with your partner, only that you should be careful.  I will also be writing about the top reasons to train with your spouse, so keep that in mind. What’s your view on the subject?


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