Thief Trying To Steal From Jiu-Jitsu Practitioner

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Last Monday on May the 25th, News by rio brilhante news a thief had tried to steal from a practitioner of jiu jitsu and he was met with fierce force. The would be victim was walking down Barbosa near an ABV Supermarket when he and his partner were surprised by a stranger. The stranger put his hand on his waist, as if he was carrying a weapon, and announced that he was going to rob the couple.

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The thief “Daniel Alves Dias” had demanded that the victims give him their cellphones and wallet and he would be on his way. As the couple began to take out their belongings to give to the assailant, one of the victims, the jiu jitsu fighter in question, realized that the man who was robbing them was not actually carrying any real weapons.

The martial arts practitioner reacted immediately by assaulting the man and immobilizing him. Military police arrived on the scene later to pick up the thief. The victim sustained bruises on his knee after he had fought the thief, but the thief was in much worse shape after he was taken down by the martial artist. Both were taken to the hospital to contain the bodily damage.


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