Over Training: 3 Signs That You Are Overdoing It

A new student starts jiu-jitsu and quickly becomes addicted (like so many Jiu-jitsu Times readers!).
They progress from 2-3 classes a week to training nearly everyday and setting up mats in their garage or basement.

They increase their physical conditioning at the gym and are running the bleachers steps on Sundays to get an extra edge on their cardio.

And then,…..they burnout (mentally and physically), suffer an injury and drop out of jiu-jitsu.

Despite such “motivational” quotes as “There’s no such thing as overtraining, just undereating and under resting.” there IS such a thing as over training.

Grapplearts Stephan Kesting talks about the over training danger when your body is not able to repair itself after intense and / or prolonged exercise

Here are 3 simple signs that you may be over trained

1) Loss of your normal level of enthusiasm
You used to LOVE going to class and now you inwardly cringe at the idea of putting on your kimono and the class warmup.
What happened to your enthusiasm?
You may be in a chronic state of fatigue and your mind is looking for a respite from the grind.
Sometimes “embracing the grind” can grind you down!
This is an indirect sign that you are asking too much of your yourself.


2) Small, nagging injuries
Minor soft tissue injuries start to accumulate.
There is more tape on your fingers and toes than “The Mummy!”
Aching elbows and shoulders. Stiff muscles when yo0u get out of bed in the morning.
Your body is not able to sufficiently recover from each training session and you are slowly descending into an energy and recovery deficit.
A week off and those small injuries start to dissipate.



3) Lingering colds / flu like symptoms
Have you ever noticed that many athletes come down with colds the week of their events?
Why is this? Coincidence?
Being in a prolonged state of energy deficit weakens the immune system and makes the athlete vulnerable to colds.
Seem to always be battling a cold?
This is an indicator that you are not recovering.

* Unlike many other sports that have an “off season”, bjj has no enforced breaks and jiu-jitsu guys end up training constantly throughout the year.
Sometimes one needs to have a voluntary layoff to allow the body to recover and heal.

read also: The Most Important 6 Submissions That White Belts Should Learn in Bjj


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