UFC 202 RESULTS: Nate Diaz vs “The Notorious” Conor McGregor 2

Round 1

Both fighters start out cautiously. Conor takes the center of the octagon and lands some leg kicks. Diaz returns with some leg kicks of his own.

Both still patiently feel each other out.

Single punches by Diaz and combos by Conor. Straight left by Conor and Diaz goes down but gets up. Diaz throws a low punch and a combo. Diaz is light on his front leg, obviously hurt by Conor. Diaz comes in and Conor counters with shots to the body.

Some back and forth ends the round.

Round 2

Conor again takes the center, attacking with more leg kicks. Huge left by Conor and Nate goes down. More leg kicks by Conor. Diaz goes down again. Nate is bloody and is wobbly on his leg. He is still coming forward, though.

Body shot by Diaz and another leg kick by Conor. Diaz returns with a combo.  Conor is running away and Nate is sensing his opponent is tired. Nate charges in and presses Conor up against the cage. He gets a high knee and goes for uppercuts before the round ends.

Round 3

Conor is breathing heavy and Nate is aware of it. Diaz gets Conor up against the cage, but Conor reverses. Now Conor is against the cage again. Both are fighting for under hooks.

They break away and Conor catches Diaz with a punch. Nate is taunting his opponent. He goes for the takedown and again presses Conor against the cage. Nate tries for a double. Conor gets an elbow and turns Diaz to the cage. Again, both are fighting for under hooks.

Conor gets away and Nate points and laughs. Leg kick by Conor and combinations, but Nate tags him with some one-twos. Huge flurry by Nate, but Conor is still in it and survives to the end of the round.

Round 4

Conor starts off with a one-two and then a leg kick. Nate is bleeding from under his eye. He jabs Conor, but keeps wiping his eyes.  Conor continues with pot shot punches.

Another leg kick wobbles Diaz. Shot to the body by Conor followed by a front kick to the chest by Diaz.

Conor is looking re-energized.

Nate goes for a double leg, again pressing Conor up against the cage. He rips shots to the body and hook punches to the face. Nate gets a knee to the body but Conor reverses the clinch and slips out.

The two are away from the cage. Nate wants to clinch but Conor gets away and goes in with some body shots. Nate gets a high kick but slips.

Round 5

The two meet in the center of the cage. Moments before, Gilbert Melendez told Diaz he needs to win this round.

Diaz puts Conor against the cage, but Conor again reverses it.

They are back in the middle of the cage, but then back in the clinch. Nate goes for the double but can’t get it. Jab by Diaz.

They break up and Conor moves away with his hands on his hips. He throws some combos but Nate again puts the Irishman’s back to the cage. Diaz throws some small hooks and again goes for the double and again fails.

The two are fighting for the under hooks. Conor turns the clinch around, gets Diaz down, but Nate gets right back up and turns him around.

In the final seconds of the round, Diaz gets Conor down.

Winner by majority decision: “The Notorious” Conor McGregor 


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