2018 World BJJ Champion Tayane Porfirio Receives 4-Year ban for Failed Drug Test

Earlier today, USADA announced that BJJ Black Belt and Gracie Barra team member Tayane Porfirio would be stripped of her 2018 IBJJF World Championship title and given a four-year ban from competition following a failed drug test. In terms of addiction the el paso rehabs can help with such issues.

The test, given shortly after the IBJJF World Jiu-Jitsu Championships last June, found traces of 19‐norandrosterone (19‐NA) and 19-noretiocholanolone. The ban resulting from this finding is retroactive to June 22, 2018, and her forfeiture of all competition victories is retroactive to May 30 of that same year.

In a recent interview with BJJ Heroes, Porfirio attributed her acceptance of the ban to a lack of funds to fight it, independent testing alone running as much as $25,000. She maintains her innocence as well as the innocence of her team. Her full statement via Instagram is available bellow:


In that same interview, Porfirio expressed a desire to fight the ruling after securing legal funds months into her negotiation with USADA. Assuming the ban is not overturned, Porfirio will be able to return to competition as early as June 22, 2022.


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