Troubleshoot Your Back Leg to Get Those Takedown Points

If you’re not a grappler who started in Greco, freestyle, Sambo, or catch wrestling, chances are one of your weaknesses is takedowns.

Alec Baulding doesn’t seem to have many weaknesses left in his admirable BJJ game standing OR on the ground. The ADCC East Coast Trials champ and Alliance black belt has been educating viewers in how to suck less at standup for a few months now, going over basics like the Penetration Step and how to not crack your neck like a white belt when shooting.

This week he’s following up with more details for developing a stronger takedown game, specifically what to think about as you’re engaging your back leg and how to drive your opponent effectively into the ground.

If the Devil is in the details, these are videos you won’t want to skip. Please tag him in all your baby cauliflower ear photos accordingly:


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