BJJ White Belt Has Some Simple But Excellent Advice For Anyone...

Crystal R. Nadeau --- BJJ white belt and host of the podcast "REALIZE LIFE" --- has some excellent advice for anyone struggling in Brazilian...

It’s Never Too Late To Come Back To Jiu-Jitsu

People quit jiu-jitsu for different reasons. While some do have to stop training due to serious health conditions, most people's reasons for leaving the...

Gracefully Giving (And Receiving) A “No Thanks” On The Mats

As nice as it would be if everyone could safely and comfortably roll with everyone else in jiu-jitsu, we all know the feeling of...

John Danaher Shares The BJJ Skills You Should Know As A...

Every jiu-jitsu academy has different criteria for ranking their students, which can make it difficult to know how you stack up against other people...

4 Ways To Make Money At Jiu-Jitsu Without Teaching

I’ve always known I loved martial arts. I loved the people, the culture, and even the business. What’s more, I thought I was good...

Jiu-Jitsu Gyms & The Coffee Shop Principle

For some BJJ practitioners, there's so much emotion that goes into their practicing of the art that they forget that they are customers at...

Dear White Belt: That New Technique Will Make A Lot More...

Unless you're naturally athletic or have been training for a long time, learning techniques in jiu-jitsu is hard. We have to force our bodies...

Why You Should Push Yourself Over The “Hump” Of Exhaustion In...

We've all been there --- you're mid-roll, and all of a sudden, your mind tells you to quit. You're too tired, too beat-up, too...

Make White Belt Life Easier By Listening To This Advice From...

Being a white belt is tough. Everyone can beat you up, you don't know what's going on, and worst of all, you may feel...

Do Nerves Affect Your Competition Performance? You’re Not Alone

Just about everyone deals with feeling nervous before a bit competition, but those nerves affect different people in different ways. Some competitors thrive on...