Excuses People Make For Losing

Lets face it, competition is hard! Competition is so dam hard, and most people don’t even realize it . We spend weeks months and...

Coming Back from a Hiatus

Sometimes we just have to take time off of training.  This can be a result of many possible factors including injury, personal loss, new...

Off the Mat with a BJJ Black Belt: Shawn Williams

This week Off the Mat with a BJJ Black Belt features Shawn Williams - a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt under Renzo Gracie and...

A Reader Question: “I’m having trouble controlling my breathing when I...

Question: "Hey JJT, love the site (Thank you!), it has helped me get through these 9 months of training BJJ. Question I have is I'm...

BJJ: Bridging Diversity on the Mats PT 2

A couple of weeks ago I spoke of women on the mats, training together, stripped of title and degree; of finding a place where...

BJJ: Dispelling Misconceptions with Tom DeBlass

On this gorgeous spring day, as I sit eating my Panera salad, I'd like to discuss the misconceptions of getting started in Brazilian jiu...

So You Lost…

I know what losing is. I been through it quite often. The feeling of disappointment is upsetting... and depressing. You prepared for this, you...

Mike Bidwell On Being A Brown Belt For 13 Years

Off the Mat with a Bjj Black Belt: Mike "the Spider-Ninja" Bidwell - Part 2 Check out part 1 Here Mike "the Spider-Ninja" Bidwell is a...

Reader Question: “What to do if the other parent wants them...

A JJT reader asks: "My ex wife has been fighting me relentlessly about my daughters quitting BJJ. She doesn't think they are learning and that...

Reader Question: “How to transition from competing as a teen and...

Question: "Viewer question you guys maybe can write an article about or have written that I haven't seen yet. How to transition from competing as...