Local Purple Belt Runs Out Of Candy, Hands Out Wristlocks To...

A Columbus, OH, resident has been accused of wristlocking unsuspecting trick-or-treaters on Halloween after his supply of candy ran out early. Freddy Williams, a Brazilian...

Just In Time For Halloween: Bubba Gracie

If you're bummed that someone already snagged your Gordon Ryan costume idea, Central Oahu Jiu-Jitsu Academy has a jiu-jitsu themed alternative: Bubba Gracie, living...

Fight Off Crushing Airline Bag Fees Like This Purple Belt

Competition and jiu-jitsu vacation costs are already a serious hit to the wallet. Then the airline swoops in and slams your long weekend's worth...

How To Use Jiu-Jitsu To Defend Yourself Against Killer Clowns

It's that time of the year again --- the temperature is dropping, the leaves are changing color, and clowns are rising up from the...

Rodolfo Drops Cell Phone During Jiu-Jitsu Match With Kit Dale

Can you hear me now? Rodolfo Vieira scored a cool $30,000 at the CBD invitational in Las Vegas last night after several years away from...

Be Absolutely Untouchable In Your Standup Game

You gotta hand it to the guys overseas--they're always leveling up the game. (This one does not come from Craig Jones or Kitt Dale....

Josh Barnett Loses Quintet But Wins With “Shower Burger”

It's not a leg of mutton or cask of mead, but it may be the ideal refuel for a modern day Viking: "The Shower...

What Happens When A Wall Takedown Goes Horribly, Terribly Wrong

There's always a bit of injury risk when practicing takedowns, but sometimes, things go super south very quickly. In this video, John Salter continues his...

How Do You Pass This Deadly Belly Guard?
