5 Ways You Gained Self-Confidence Through BJJ

During your earliest days training in BJJ, you likely had a bit of anxiety stepping onto a mat full of tough looking guys and...

Give A White Belt Your Back

We have all seen those new white belts who walk through the door and are confident and ready to change their lives . ....

The Business of Jiu Jitsu with Tom DeBlass

Professor Tom DeBlass has built one of the largest and most successful jiu-jitsu academies in New Jersey and recently celebrated Ocean County BJJ's 10th...

Sharpening The Competition Mindset (3 Tips)

In BJJ we tend to train our bodies very well. We eat great and hit the gym and academy regularly. We end up being...

Jiu Jitsu Will Teach You To Love Your Body No Matter...

People get into jiu jitsu for all sorts of reasons. While learning self defense is pretty high up on the list of things that...

3 Lies About Jiu-Jitsu

In Jiu-Jitsu we learn a lot from our coaches and teammates. I have learned so much on the mats, not just about Jiu-Jitsu, but...

Why BJJ Should Be Taught in Public Schools

Do you remember when you were in school and you had to take a PE class? How awesome would it be could do Jiu-Jitsu...

What Are The Benefits Of Jiu-Jitsu To Your Kids?

It has been said that Jiu Jitsu is great for anybody at any age. However, I think we can all agree that starting young...

5 Key Things To Look For in a Beginners BJJ Class

Choosing to start training in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu can be very intimidating on many levels due to all of the tough guys with cauliflower ears on the...

The 11 Realities of The White Belt Whimpers

There is a lot of talk about the "Blue Belt Blues," but the plight of the white belt has often been overlooked. The road...