The Importance of Learning the Fundamentals and Basics

I’ve seen a lot of debate between “old school, self defense-oriented" jiu-jitsu and the “new school” competition-oriented styles.  I’ve weighed in on this topic...

5 Pet Peeves In BJJ

The longer I train the more I laugh at all the things I use to do. I’m not referring to moves, but rather the...

The Fall Of Jiu-Jitsu in MMA Bouts

So, I am almost certain most of us started training jiu-jitsu because of the early UFC days. Royce was able to do amazing things...

Five Effective Solo Drills for Lonely Grapplers Without Friends

When everyone else is too tired, too hungover, or too married with kids to train a solo grappler can feel out of sorts. Lost,...

Ask DeBlass: Welcoming the New White Belt with Kindness

Whether readily admitted or not, the goal for every practitioner is at some time the black belt.  In the quest for this mystical and...

7 African Martial Arts You Probably Didn’t Know Existed

Lutte Traditionnelle This is a wrestling style from West Africa, which is frequently used in Senegal, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Niger, Gambia and Togo. Dambe This style of...

Top 10 Self Defense Martial Arts Styles

The reason behind the creation of both mixed martial arts and the Ultimate Fighting Championships was to see which fighting style was better than...

Coaching Parents Before a Kids BJJ Tournament

A few months ago, I posed this question on the page “Are parents at kids BJJ tournaments getting as bad as kids soccer games?” Here...

Does your coach want to teach you his or her game,...

I’ve been doing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for quite a while now, and I’ve found that there are two kinds of coaches out there: The...

Delusional Energy Shield Master Dares Martial Artist To Punch Him

Self-confidence is a good thing, but sometimes, having too much of it can lead to a painful experience. This is exactly what happened when...