Chill Out With Black Belt Roy Dean’s Jiu-Jitsu Travelogue

It’s a little bit Anthony Bourdain, a little bit Friday Night Lights, and a lot of gorgeous drone shots intercut with private lesson and live rolling footage. Meet Where Jiu-Jitsu Can Take You, black belt Roy Dean’s small scale passion project born out of his ongoing international BJJ journey. In addition to being a source of technique troubleshooting info from an experienced high belt, the series offers a more mature, sedate look at the gentle art and where a lifetime of devotion to the craft can take a practitioner over time.

A martial artist with three black belts, Dean has been putting together little 5-6 minute episodes from his various jiu-jitsu destinations including Norway, Italy, and Amsterdam. Dutch canals, Italian cafes, omoplata techniques and arm bar tutorials flow roll in and out of each other, providing a moment of zen and hope that some of us may one day graduate from regional crapjitsu to teaching seminars in beautiful, faraway places.

Here are the three episodes Dean has posted so far for your rainy afternoon enjoyment. All are cheaper than a plane ticket:


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