Do You Agree With Roli Delgado’s Opinion About Reaping Rules In The IBJJF?

BJJ black belt and former UFC fighter Roli Delgado knows a thing or two about footlocks, having made himself known in the jiu-jitsu community for his contributions to developing the straight ankle lock. So when he says that the IBJJF’s rules on reaping regarding the Lins lock could use some changes, it’s worth a listen.

Listen to Delgado’s rationale below and let us know what you think. Does Delgado have a solid point, or should the IBJJF stay firm in what they consider reaping?

Roli Delgado on IBJJF'S reaping rules esp ed finally concerning the Lins lock

Posted by Zackitty Haley on Tuesday, June 5, 2018


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