How to Pay for BJJ!! Top Ten

Photo by: BJJPix

Alrighty so I’ll admit I gave a pretty grim overview of the costs associated with jiu-jitsu. Please don’t get discouraged or think that there’s no way you can train! I was giving a picture that more & more people are contending with, especially in this economy. So I thought I’d also provide some ideas on how to fund your training! I’ve read a few articles and none of them applied to the already healthy habits many of us exhibit ( don’t smoke?! Don’t drink soda?! Eat in…). Here are some more realistic ways to pinch a few pennies; either for academy membership or your next tournament.

* keep a change jar! Yes, I’m for real. Every time you purchase something drop the change ( and if you’re feeling ambitious the $1.00 bills) in the jar. Believe it or not this adds up quickly!

* cut the cable bill or get rid of it altogether. I know people who have cable and 1 month equals a month’s membership!! If you can’t do without the telly, call your cable company & ask them what they can do for YOU, the loyal customer.

* cell phone city! Who isn’t walking around with this device these days? Again, ditch it or call your provider and ask them what they can do for you! Even a $20.00 per month decrease is helpful.

* Sign up for your grocery or market discount card! It seems obvious but a lot of people don’t take advantage of the savings, points, or gas discount provided by doing so! $$$ in your pocket!!!

* car-pool to Jits class or seminars or tournaments. Win-win for everyone. Plus, it’s just so much more fun that way!

* how many gym memberships do you have, and do you even go to the gym anymore? Time to pick up that phone or stop in and cancel, review your membership, or decrease the NUMBER of memberships.

* are you gifted with a skill or service you can provide? I know some crafty ladies out there making some BJJ money by knitting, making jewelry, babysitting, pet-sitting, etc. The list is endless!

* watch that wallet! Only carry a fiver and leave that nasty debit/ credit card at home! Those coffees, waters, acai bowls, and lunch outings add up. Even healthy eating out costs you. Pack instead!

* do FREE stuff! Having fun doesn’t have to cost money. Treat yourself from time to time with a movie or hitting the city; but what’s wrong with a hike, snowshoeing, visiting the local botanical gardens or lake?

* last but not least, we all go thru hard times now and again. Speak to your professor. Maybe there’s something they need that you could help out with.

Where there’s a will there’s a way. I hope that this top ten list makes sense and offered some insight into easy saving habits! Don’t give up your jiujitsu journey because of finances. Think outside the box and make it happen! A little charm and footwork go a long way


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