John Danaher And Marcelo Garcia Ending The Beef Between Students

Photo/Facebook/Instagram: John Danaher

Jiu-jitsu teams were extremely polarized in the last few weeks. Garcia and Danaher both have a number of prominent students who loudly defend their chosen sensei against all verbal barbs. Ironically, both Danaher and Garcia are good friends, and they’ve both committed themselves to ending the rivalry between their two teams. Danaher wrote on his Facebook page that he feels rivalries and competition are a healthy part of martial arts training, but he feels that it’s possible to take it entirely too far. His comments should help to foster respect amongst rival camps.

John Danaher Posted on his facebook:

“Perspective: In recent days and weeks the jiu jitsu scene has seen a marked increase in provocative talk between camps and much of it has been centered around my own students and those of Marcelo Garcia. This is odd, as Mr Garcia and I are good friends. As is so often the case, what begins as banter and play can lead to consequences one does not want. Both Mr Garcia and myself are committed to the idea of a strong distinction between the spirit of MMA, where a certain amount of talk and showmanship is good for business, and jiu jitsu, where a more elevated sense of behavior is appropriate. I am all for jiu jitsu athletes being paid more for their hard work, but I am concerned that this may be achieved at the expense of the soul of the sport. Moreover, our schools are real neighbors, just blocks apart, and neither of us wants an “us vs them” attitude here in the NYC jiu jitsu scene. I met with Mr Garcia tonight at his school and we discussed the situation. He is so much more than just one of the sports greatest champions, he is an icon and a role model- in my experience the kindest and gentlest soul in the sport. Accordingly, we have agreed that the mood of the last few days is one that is not good for the sport and even worse for the NYC jiu jitsu scene. As such, both teams will stop the negative social media talk and direct challenge matches (athletes will still participate in regular tournaments with each other, but for now, no internet challenge matches). I have met most of Mr Garcia’s team, and they are all great fellows. Our squad may be a little rough around the edges at times, but they all have hearts of gold – I don’t teach people whose character I don’t like – I just don’t interact with them. I believe this is a case of fundamentally good people letting words and escalation put them in a situation that does not benefit the sport as a whole. Mr Garcia is among the most sincere and well meaning men I ever met – I think his concern about the sport and about the relationship of NYC jiu jitsu teams is correct. We all love competition and friendly rivalry, but a sense of perspective is needed to keep it appropriate and the sport we all love healthy.”


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