Lift The NSAC Ban From MMA Fighter Nick Diaz Petition

Subsequent to his last fight against Anderson Silva at UFC 183, Nick Diaz failed one of three drug tests performed on him. Diaz was found to have had in excess of 300ng/ml of marijuana metabolites in his system following the fight. Although only one of the three tests performed returned a positive result, Diaz has has a long history of failing drugs tests.

It is this history of failed drugs tests that has left commissioner Pat Lunduvall suggesting that Diaz should really have been banned for life instead of the 5 year ban he received. Still, this five year ban, may as well be a life ban considering Diaz’s age. At 32 years of age, a five year ban will see to it that he is nearing his 40s before being eligible to compete again.

Currently, there is an online open petition to lift the NSAC ban from MMA fighter Nick Diaz. Sign Petition Here


  1. The governor appoints these commissioners. Call Governor Brian Sandoval and let his office know that his acceptance of NSAC’s incompetence, but even worse their tyrannical behavior, will cost the state their precious dollars!!! 702-486-2500 and 775-684-5670.


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