Man Chokes Out Female Pub Manager At Staff Christmas Party

CCTV footage has captured the moment a 29-year-old chef appeared to choke out his coworker, a pub manager, at a staff Christmas party.

According to the Daily Mail, the incident caused the 24-year-old victim to believe she’d had a stroke. She claims that she’s experienced partial facial paralysis, PTSD, anxiety, and depression as a result of being choked unconscious by her coworker.

The Daily Mail reports that after the victim raised concerns with her employers upon seeing the CCTV footage, she felt like the situation wasn’t taken seriously. She initially continued working at the pub, but later felt pressured to quit. The man in the video, however, remained employed and was still employed by the pub at the time of the Daily Mail article’s publication. Legal proceedings between the victim and her employers led to a ruling in her favor, concluding that she’d been “unfairly dismissed” as a result of how the situation was handled.

In the footage below, the man puts his arm around the victim, then appears to put her in an Ezekiel choke until she loses consciousness and falls.


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