Mark Hunt Rips Into UFC, Calls For An MMA Fighters’ Union

UFC Heavyweight Mark “Super Samoan” Hunt is not happy with his employer, and he’s not staying quiet about.

During a phone interview with MarkHunt.TV, the 264-pound New Zealander went on a rant about the unfair treatment fighters receive in the UFC and the need for a fighters union.

“The way I see it, the Brock Lesnar doping thing is just another reason why we need a fighter’s association. These guys are just making up the rules as they go.

“First the Reebok thing, then Brock’s 4 month testing exemption. Conor gets pulled off a card for not going to a press conference that me or Brock didn’t go to anyway. Work that out. There’s probably a heap of others.”

Hunt later continued about Brock.

“I don’t even know how he made 265lbs that guy, he looked about 500kgs. I mean shucks, look at the pictures and tell me this guy passed the smell test that Jeff guy talks about. I mean even the other passport stuff, which is supposed to be important for testing, they woulda had none of that from Brock because of the exemption.”

“If you ask me the whole point of the four month testing period should be to make sure someone doesn’t pop back in, juiced to the gills, and beat the crap out of the guys who are clean and have been clean and tested this whole time.”

“I’m pretty sure all of this stuff is just there to look good for the sale if you ask me.”

He then turned his attention back to the UFC and the need for a fighters’ union.

“These guys have lined there pockets with our blood if you ask me. I mean they deserve to get paid no doubt, they took the UFC from nothing into what it is today, but come on, most of the guys fighting, get paid nothing and have no benefits.

“If you ask me there needs to be a system where they at least run things past the fighters before making these decisions and the fighters can look out for each other. We need an association where we can have our voices heard. We are massive reason why fans watch the sport and we risk our health to do it.”

He continued.

“I’m not sure what its like in the states, but in Australia workers stick together to make sure their voice is heard. Lots of guys have talked about this, but someone needs to make this happen and I’m happy for it to be me.”



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