Michael Chiesa Versus Mario Yamasaki In A Grappling Match?

Late last month, referee Mario Yamasaki cost Michael Chiesa his match against Kevin Lee when Yamasaki made what many believed to be an early stoppage.  Lee had Chiesa in an rear naked choke, and Yamasaki called an end to the fight, believing Chiesa had passed out.

Chiesa and many fans, however, believed he was still conscious and able to continue.

Many UFC fighters have complained about referee decisions, but Michael Chiesa may be the first to actually challenge a referee to a match.

Two days ago on the The MMA Hour, Chiesa told host Ariel Helwani that he wants to fight Yamasaki in a grappling match.

Onnit’s having an invitational on September 30, and, you know, this is my open challenge to Mr. Yamasaki to…I would like to test his 5th degree black belt in a friendly grappling match, and let’s see if he’s what he says he is. You know what I mean?

Chiesa is a BJJ purple belt, so the odds aren’t exactly in his favor.

Still this might be a fight worth seeing. Who do you think is coming out with the W next to his name?

Chiesa vs Yamasaki?

Michael Chiesa would like to challenge Mário Yamasaki to a friendly grappling match #TheMMAHour

Posted by MMAFighting.com – The Mixed Martial Arts News Website on Tuesday, July 25, 2017


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