Stevo Poulin: A Champion In The Making

Full Name: Stevo Poulin

Birthday: September 15th, 2002

If you are truly a wrestling fan, you probably know Stevo Poulin. In case you have never heard this name in wrestling circles, you ought to look out for this champion-in-the-making. This young wrestler was born in 2002 so he is just 13 years of age. He attends St. Peter’s Academy in New York and his wrestling club is the journeymen. He fights in the 70 lbs weight category and he puts in his best in every fight.

Achievements so far
Stevo Poulin has achieved a lot in a relatively short time. He is seven times New York State champion and has won the Ohio tournament of champions two times.

Role model and career goals
Stevo Poulin’s role model is Logan Steiber and one of his goals is to win the Super 32. He also wants to win the D1 College, Olympic medal and grow in the sport to his maximum potential.

May 2014 Match




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