Behold the Beauty of Rafa Mendes Not Even Trying That Hard

There are hurricanes that get fewer rotations (and do less damage) than Rafa Mendes. The Art of Jiu-Jitsu founder and six time IBJJF world champion has been a dominating competitor since long before his promotion to black belt in 2008, and has still never been submitted in competition. And while there’s plenty of footage of Mendes rolling out there, some of the best has been filmed since the fighter stopped competing and started applying his crazy high submission rate to the many grapplers who pass through AOJ’s doors.

Granted, the video below is mostly of Medes in an open mat setting against lower belts–the dazzling transitions and submissions he chains together are harder to hit against a parade of world class black belts. That doesn’t make the art of the jiu-jitsu he showcases any less impressive.

Give this one a watch before open mat this week for a dose of inspiration, or humility, whichever gets your motor going:


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