Behold The Mass of Dark Matter That is Jocko Willink Rolling BJJ

By now pretty much everyone recognizes war hero and former Navy SEAL John “Jocko” Willink. The podcaster, grappler, author, and motivational voice inside Joe Rogan’s head has taken over the spaces once reserved for guys like Tony Robbins, driving hoards of young men and women to get up earlier, train harder, and say “good” when things a brutal. He’s also one of the most respected celebrity jiu-jitsu ambassadors in the world, and for good reason….that top pressure tho.

Willink posted video of himself training with fellow black belt Andy Burke, and its the kind of footage that makes your ribs crack just watching.

Between the gritted teeth, classic Rage Against the Machine playing in the background, and Burke’s slow, exhausting advancement to top position, it’s powerfully motivating in that most Jocko way possible.

Best played before open mat:

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