Panicking About Being Stuck In Mount? Here’s How To Relax A...

Mount can be one of the most frustrating and scary positions to be stuck in while training jiu-jitsu. Whether you have trauma in your...

Chewjitsu’s “Chewy” Answers: “Should I Accept A Student Back After They...

Students switch gyms all the time, and often, it's simply because they're moving or found a gym that's a better fit for their needs....

Yes, You Can Train Hard Without Being A “Jerk”

For many people in jiu-jitsu, there's a very fine line between getting the hard training you need in practice and rolling too rough. Sometimes,...

No Submission November: A Tool For Improving Your Jiu-Jitsu

Jiu-jitsu is a series of peaks and valleys. When we’re on a peak we don’t always realize it, but when we are in a...

“Am I Getting Any Better?”

This last week at the BJJ class, a few experienced blue belts brought up the topic of improvement. More specifically, how can you tell...

John Danaher’s Tips On What To Do When You Can’t Do...

The coronavirus outbreak has led to many people asking a question they never thought they'd have to ask: What can I do when there's...

Parents, Let Your Kids’ Coaches Do The Coaching

Kids' jiu-jitsu has been skyrocketing in popularity over recent years, with parents around the world getting their kids involved in the martial art to...

BJJ Black Belt Explains Concepts He Wishes He’d Known When He...

Hindsight is always 20/20, especially in jiu-jitsu. As we move up through the ranks, we learn techniques and concepts that seem so obvious after...

Jocko Willink Discusses The Best Way To Avoid Injuries In Jiu-Jitsu

As a seriously tough guy himself, retired Navy SEAL officer Jocko Willink knows a thing or two about getting hurt. A BJJ practitioner himself,...

Discipline Looks Different For Everyone

Ask anyone in any subset of the athletics industry about their top tips for getting in shape or improving in your designated sport, and...