Jiu-Jitsu 97% vs. 3% Where Do You Fall In?

One of the largest debates that is continuously going on in the world of martial arts, and the BJJ community, in particular, revolves around...

The Hidden Cost Of Becoming A Jiu-JItsu World Champion

For most Brazilian Jiu Jitsu practitioners, it is more than hobby done once or twice per week. If you want to improve, BJJ requires...

Mat Burn And How To Treat It

Anyone who plays sports or workouts in a gym, probably knows of or has experienced mat burn. This occurs when the skin is rubbed...

Why Bigger Muscles Are Not Good In Jiu-Jitsu

For individuals who are interested in getting started with Jiu Jitsu, it can be a good idea to understand your exercising goals and what...

Why We Should Stop Fearing the Changes of Sport BJJ

Change is a terrifying thing. We don’t like for something to suddenly be different around us. We want our environments to stay the same....

How To Be A Douche In Jiu-Jitsu

As with all sports or simply activities, there are some unspoken rules to be following in Jiu-Jitsu. Training partners should have a mutual respect...

Why Do So Many People Quit Jiu-Jitsu At Blue Belt?

Any Jiu jitsu practitioner that has been training for a decent amount of time knows that getting a black belt is not something that...

The Most Annoying Types Of Partners In Jiu-Jitsu

Brazilian jiu-jitsu has its unique challenges, especially when it comes to sparring partners. No one is perfect, true, but some partners may leave something...

Treating Cauliflower Ears In Jiu-Jitsu

If you practice any type of martial arts, battle wounds are fairly common. In jiu-jitsu, the most prevalent battle wound is probably the one...

Different Types Of Skin Diseases Common In Jiu-Jitsu

Because of how much constant skin contact occurs in Jiu Jitsu, it is not uncommon for different types of skin diseases to be transferred...