The Importance of Wearing a Mouth Guard

I’ve mentioned on several occasions the importance of wearing a mouth guard in jiu-jitsu.  Of all the pieces of equipment, the mouth guard is...

How To Use Swiss Balls To Make Massive Improvements In BJJ

If your academy has Swiss balls or you have some at home, don't let them gather dust. As this video from the Grappling Academy...

Mat Burn And How To Treat It

Anyone who plays sports or workouts in a gym, probably knows of or has experienced mat burn. This occurs when the skin is rubbed...

New Research Shines More Light On How Jiu-Jitsu Can Help Treat...

Sometimes the toughest injuries to cope with leave no visible wounds. I suffer from long-term concussion issues that can sideline my training for weeks at...

What Exactly Is Foam Rolling And Why Should I Roll?


If Jiu-Jitsu Is Killing Your Back, Try These Exercises

While jiu-jitsu is great for staying in shape and increasing your mobility, it can also be tough on your body. Back problems in particular...

Why BJJ Should Be Taught in Public Schools

Do you remember when you were in school and you had to take a PE class? How awesome would it be could do Jiu-Jitsu...

Stop Foam Rolling and Start Actually Healing Your Body

Yes, foam rolling has a time, place, and purpose. As a general rule it's when you wake up, before you train, or before you...

Treating Cauliflower Ears In Jiu-Jitsu

If you practice any type of martial arts, battle wounds are fairly common. In jiu-jitsu, the most prevalent battle wound is probably the one...