Just A Friendly Reminder To Cut Your Dang Nails Before You...

Hi there. Do me a favor: look at your fingernails. Are they tiny, stubby things that would make any manicurist shake their head in...

Don’t Fall Prey To The Injury Bug: Mental Factors (Part 2)

Part 1 of this series emphasized physical factors that contribute to injury. Black belt and physical therapist Mike Pellegrino (DPT) gave tips for how...

Training BJJ With A Bad Neck? Stephan Kesting Is Here To...

With all of the collar pulling and head grabbing that goes on in BJJ --- or any grappling art, for that matter --- it...

Weight Lifting for Beginners/Intermediates Explained

So why should you lift? Because if you plan to be competitive with your grappling, you need to be strong. I’m not saying you...

3 Reasons To Train At A Smaller Academy.

Where do you train? I hear many people saying they could train with a team like Atos in San Diego or other similar academies....

Confused, Curious, Or Scared About Cauliflower Ear? Here’s What You Need...

If you're new to jiu-jitsu, you've probably at least seen or heard of cauliflower ear. The condition that makes your teammates' ears hard, puffy-looking,...

How Training In “Pods” Can Keep You Safer On The Mats...

Many people have faced a tough decision throughout the months that the pandemic has been going on: stop training entirely to avoid spreading COVID-19,...

Stephan Kesting Talks About Earguards For BJJ And Cauliflower Ear Prevention

Cauliflower ears may look cool and may be the universal symbol for "pick a fight with me and I'll kill you" but some of...

Benefits Of BJJ After 40

It has been said over and over that Jiu-Jitsu is good for any age and anybody. While difficult and challenging for certain groups of people,...

I’ll Miss Jiu-Jitsu, But I’m Prioritizing My Family’s Health

The coronavirus pandemic has sparked much internal conflict regarding whether or not I --- and many other jiu-jitsu practitioners --- should continue training during...