Keenan Cornelius Gives Up the Back…To Chiropractic Care?

We don’t get to see Lapel Guard innovator and international jiu-jitsu ronin Keenan Cornelius belly down very often. But devoting one’s life to BJJ means, um, basically every body part gets more wear and tear than it should, which is why Cornelius sought out the help of integrative chiropractor “Dr. Jason” of Los Angels’ Active Health Clinic.

The two put out this video showing what one of the top competitors in the sport is doing to make sure he can keep competing. This includes spotting the herniations and misalignments of the skeletal structure that are bound to happen when one participates in hours of simulated murder every week.

Joe Rogan has some pretty strong feelings about chiropractic care. But whether you’re pro-adjustment, or “hey this back cracking is some quackery,” reality is that integrative approaches to keeping athlete bodies well–including acupuncture, massage, visceral manipulation, nutritional therapy, yoga, and chiropractic–remain safer and more sustainable than the abuse of opiates, alcohol, and other “pain killers” that have dominated combat sports in recent decades.

If you don’t like the sound of skeletons shifting, maybe skip this video. But also if you don’t like the sound of skeletons shifting, maybe studying Zumba might be more your thing:


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