Shoulder Pain After Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu? Here’s What To Do

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Any of you Jiu-jitsu Times readers that have shoulder pain or tightness, please raise your hand! If raising your hand hurts your shoulder, then this article will be most helpful.

Physiotherapist and BJJ addict, Christine is a blue belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu and she understands the demands that training jiu-jitsu puts on our bodies.

This week Christine shares advice on two different sets of movements that are important to BJJ fighters with tight shoulders.

First let’s get some ideas on static stretching for tight shoulders and the connecting muscles. According to Christine:

Stretches! Still having shoulder pain and tightness? Try stretching your lats, triceps, biceps and brachialis! 

These muscles are sometimes forgotten during shoulder rehab, but the lats, triceps and biceps all contribute greatly to proper shoulder girdle mobility and function. 

I included the brachialis because it often tightens with the biceps brachii. 
Hold each stretch for 20-30 seconds. 

1. LATISSIMUS DORSI STRETCH: Stand with the arm of the side you want to stretch against a wall. Keeping your hand on the wall, walk your hips backwards, then hug your ribs with the other hand and rotate your chest towards your armpit. 

2. TRICEPS STRETCH: Place your elbow against a wall and let your forearm dangle over the back of your head, fingers brushing the neck. Lean your armpit towards the wall.

3. BICEPS BRACHII STRETCH: Place with your arm straight out behind you, palm against the wall, and rotate your body away from the wall.

4. BRACHIALIS STRETCH: Same as the biceps brachii stretch, but with your palm turned AWAY from the wall (ie. knuckles against the wall). #rehabontap#peakhealthcalgary #yycphysio #shoulders#mobility #stretchyourheartout

Stretches! Still having shoulder pain and tightness? Try stretching your lats, triceps, biceps and brachialis! These muscles are sometimes forgotten during shoulder rehab, but the lats, triceps and biceps all contribute greatly to proper shoulder girdle mobility and function. I included the brachialis because it often tightens with the biceps brachii. Hold each stretch for 20-30 seconds. 1. LATISSIMUS DORSI STRETCH: Stand with the arm of the side you want to stretch against a wall. Keeping your hand on the wall, walk your hips backwards, then hug your ribs with the other hand and rotate your chest towards your armpit. 2. TRICEPS STRETCH: Place your elbow against a wall and let your forearm dangle over the back of your head, fingers brushing the neck. Lean your armpit towards the wall. 3. BICEPS BRACHII STRETCH: Place with your arm straight out behind you, palm against the wall, and rotate your body away from the wall. 4. BRACHIALIS STRETCH: Same as the biceps brachii stretch, but with your palm turned AWAY from the wall (ie. knuckles against the wall). #rehabontap #peakhealthcalgary #yycphysio #shoulders #mobility #stretchyourheartout

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Here are some more dynamic movements that you can perform with a broom stick or light barbell without plates.

Christine wrote:

Shoulder warm-up review! You can do this with a stick or belt. 
I posted a version of this before but a lot of people have been coming in with shoulder injuries from kimuras, Americanas, and overall tightness lately, so @alex.sundar18 is going to review it for us! 

Do 5 of each movement 3x through before you train, and you won’t have to tap so early! 
#doesntmeandonttap #peakhealthcalgary#yycphysio #shouldermobility #prehab#kimura #americana #shoulderlocks #bjj#jiujitsu #overheadishard#donutsanddeadlifts

For more rehab and prevention tips for BJJ guys, check out Christine’s Instagram.



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