VIDEO: Stephan Kesting’s Tip For Dealing With Chronic BJJ-Related Injuries

In this short video, BJJ black belt and Grapplearts Founder Stephan Kesting gives us all a valuable tip on dealing with chronic injuries in...

The Importance of Wearing a Mouth Guard

I’ve mentioned on several occasions the importance of wearing a mouth guard in jiu-jitsu.  Of all the pieces of equipment, the mouth guard is...

Do I Have Ringworm? What Do I Do For Treatment?

Every once in a while a case of ringworm pops up in a BJJ academy and people start asking questions. The makers of Defense Soap...

Erin Herle Organizes #submitthestigma Charity Seminar to Take Place after IBJJF...

Erin Herle has once again organized a #submitthestigma seminar. She previously shared her experiences with our publication. Her work is a major service to...

How Jiu-Jitsu can Break the Poverty Cycle

This article does not refer to only the homeless or destitute, but those who live in the broader definition of poverty. This article is...

Strength And Conditioning, Benefits For BJJ

As many of you may remember, I have written other articles explaining why strength and conditioning may not be worth it. ' I am, however,...

Jiu-Jitsu Depression

Jiu-jitsu always makes us feel great, right? While this may be true to an extent, we all have some bad days in the academy. Many...

Three Vitamins You Should Be Taking

As athletes it is important that we keep our bodies healthy and strong. However, many Jiu Jitsuka are not getting all their needs. This...

Grappling, Depression, and Suicide; My Story

I’m going to open up and be very personal today. The story I am about to share is one I have shared many times...

The Strongest Kids In The World

Most people come to power lifting in their adult years but some just don't have the patience to wait that long. This video shows...