3 Reasons Our Law Enforcement Should Learn Jiu-Jitsu

Have you ever watched one of those videos where a security guard gets mauled by a pedestrian? Have you ever watched one of the...

3 Exercises To Supplement Jiu Jitsu Training

As Jiu-Jitsu practitioners we are always looking for ways to gain that small edge over our opponents.  Obviously, it is best to just train...

Ask DeBlass: The Ten Commandments of Jiu Jitsu Hygiene

There's a story that former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani was once asked how was it that he was so successful reducing the crime...

Ask DeBlass: Keeping your weight off this new year on...

Today is not New Years Day. Today is not Monday. Today is not your birthday.  Today is the day you take control.  You've made...

Eat Like an Endurance Athlete

The food you eat can help or hurt how you feel before, during, and after training.  If you feel slow, your cardio isn’t up-to-par...

Using Sports Nutrition to Become a Better Athlete

Cutting weight. One of the most difficult aspects of any athletic competition that uses weight classes. But how does one go about cutting weight?...

The Secret of Feminine Health in Jiu Jitsu

You are a fighter, which makes you a friend too many germs automatically. Sweat, your training mat, gi all is home to these various...

Stephan Kesting Discusses How To Improve Your BJJ Cardio

Stephan Kesting of Grapplearts.com discusses in the video below how to improve your BJJ cardio. Endurance is a critical part of BJJ since your...

Sports Nutrition Basics

Knowing what to eat while training might be tough for some, but it is still incredibly important for athletes to nail down. Even if...

4 Ways to Improve Your Grips

Post originally published by GS MAG and appeared HERE. Grip strength is just about the most important thing to gain for grappling and other combat...