Rice Brothers Reopen Academy Despite California’s Stay-At-Home Order

Rice Brothers Academy has officially reopened in Redding, California, defying the state's stay-at-home order. Tanner Rice, a Cobrinha black belt who won the American Nationals...

Brown Belt Karen Peters Credits Jiu-Jitsu With Helping Her Recover From...

The following is the account of BJJ brown belt Karen Peters, 56, as given to the Jiu-Jitsu Times. Peters also helped spearhead the T.A.P....

Mikey Musumeci Shares The Impact COVID-19 Has Had On His Loved...

Mikey Musumeci has spoken out and is begging people to stay home after seeing how some of his loved ones (and their loved ones)...

Brown Belt Pleads With BJJ Community To Take Coronavirus Seriously After...

As COVID-19 continues to spread throughout the world, the government and individuals are pushing people to stay home and practice social distancing. However, there...

A Friendly Reminder That Your Favorite BJJ Athletes (Probably) Aren’t Experts...

This is a rare instance in which I won't even be mad if you share this post after only reading the title, because really,...

Purple Belt & Clinical Microbiologist Discusses The Impact Of COVID-19 On...

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a massive impact on the world, and thus a massive impact on the jiu-jitsu community. While a quick scroll...

Don’t Neglect Your Mental Health While The Gym Is Closed

Jiu-jitsu doesn't cure mental illnesses like anxiety and depression, but it can help alleviate symptoms and improve your mental health even if you don't...

BJJ Black Belt, Gym Owner, & Ph.D. Holder Warns Against Private...

Many BJJ academies have closed during the coronavirus outbreak, either by choice or by government mandate. Still, despite the closures, some jiu-jitsu students and...

I’ll Miss Jiu-Jitsu, But I’m Prioritizing My Family’s Health

The coronavirus pandemic has sparked much internal conflict regarding whether or not I --- and many other jiu-jitsu practitioners --- should continue training during...

Continue To Support Your BJJ Gym Even If They Close Over...

The COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak is starting to affect the jiu-jitsu community, with multiple large tournaments --- including the UAEJJF Abu Dhabi World Pro and...