Jiu-Jitsu Depression

Jiu-jitsu always makes us feel great, right? While this may be true to an extent, we all have some bad days in the academy. Many...

3 Reasons Our Law Enforcement Should Learn Jiu-Jitsu

Have you ever watched one of those videos where a security guard gets mauled by a pedestrian? Have you ever watched one of the...

Benefits Of BJJ After 40

It has been said over and over that Jiu-Jitsu is good for any age and anybody. While difficult and challenging for certain groups of people,...

3 Reasons To Train At A Smaller Academy.

Where do you train? I hear many people saying they could train with a team like Atos in San Diego or other similar academies....

Rice Brothers Reopen Academy Despite California’s Stay-At-Home Order

Rice Brothers Academy has officially reopened in Redding, California, defying the state's stay-at-home order. Tanner Rice, a Cobrinha black belt who won the American Nationals...

This Routine Will Help Your Hips Stay Flexible For Jiu-Jitsu

Flexible hips will not only help your jiu-jitsu game improve, but also reduce your risk of injury. But many BJJ practitioners don't spend nearly...

This Brown Belt Is Conducting A Study On Jiu-Jitsu & Depression...

We've all seen, heard, read about, or personally experienced how jiu-jitsu can help depression not be such a burden. But actually finding research on...

If Jiu-Jitsu Has Your Lower Back Feeling Like An 80-Year-Old’s, This...

The words "jiu-jitsu" and "lower back pain" go hand in hand for a lot of long-time practitioners, but the causes for those aches you...

Eat Like an Endurance Athlete

The food you eat can help or hurt how you feel before, during, and after training.  If you feel slow, your cardio isn’t up-to-par...

Anthony Bourdain Still Looking Ripped Thanks To BJJ And Healthy Diet

Anthony Bourdain --- star of such famous culinary shows as Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations and Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown --- is looking as ripped...