Donald ‘Cowboy’ Cerrone On IV Ban Exemption Due To Past Accident

On December 19, Donald Cerrone will take on Rafael Dos Anjos for the UFC Lightweight Championship. Cowboy has riled up some controversy in the past few days related to the recent USADA IV ban. Many believe that the IV ban is designed to catch fighters that are currently doping. However, fighters have responded with negativity, saying that the ban hurts legitimate fighters most. Donald ‘Cowboy’ Cerrone possible IV ban exemption due to accident is an argument that he’s attempting to make.

“I rolled my intestines,” Cerrone told the Sherdog Radio Network’s “Savage Dog Show.” “From my surgery years ago, I have a lot of intestinal and stomach problems still to this day, and I was in the ICU and they almost had to do surgery on me.”

Also, Cerrone missed a USADA drug test, although that won’t impact his December 19 bout. He suffered an ATV accident years ago in which surgeons had to remove nearly 50 feet of intestines. Cowboy even lost a chunk of his stomach due to the accident. In light of that revelation, he argues that the IV ban doesn’t apply to him for a variety of reasons. The injury has put a couple of his bouts in jeopardy in the past.


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