Stop Major Injuries Before They Happen By Tapping On Time To...

Any submission in jiu-jitsu can be dangerous if you don't tap in time, but heel hooks are some of the most notorious. These submissions...

Black Belt & Physiotherapist Lachlan Giles Explains How To Enter The...

After Kasai, black belt, physiotherapist, and PhD holder Lachlan Giles made a post expressing concern over how Gordon Ryan's saddle entry could (and does)...

A Purple Belt Has Developed The Perfect Solution For Hungry BJJ...

How many times have you settled for a lukewarm slice of pizza between your gi and no-gi divisions at a tournament? How many granola...

Purple Belt And Doctor Of Physical Therapy Shows How To Tape...

You've probably seen plenty of jiu-jitsu athletes with tape around their fingers, but many BJJ practitioners just haphazardly wrap their own fingers without knowing...

How To Kick Ringworm Out Of Your Gym If It Finds...

"Ringworm" is one of the most dreaded words that can be uttered in a jiu-jitsu or wrestling gym. Once this fungal infection makes its...

Guided Meditation For Grapplers Who Hate Meditation from Dr. Barry Morguelan

You might recognize Dr. Barry Morguelan from his work with fitness and wellness pros like Ben Greenfield, Tony Robbins, or Bulletproof's Dave Asprey. A...

Consider This Your Friendly Reminder To Stay The Heck Home If...

If your zodiac wasn't clear, if you've prayed for guidance, if you've begged the universe to tell you whether or not you should go...

Stop Foam Rolling and Start Actually Healing Your Body

Yes, foam rolling has a time, place, and purpose. As a general rule it's when you wake up, before you train, or before you...

Reminder: Please Un-Gross Yourself Before Training

Hygiene is super important in your quest to be a functioning member of society, but in jiu-jitsu, keeping yourself clean and well-groomed is even...

Athletes: Avoid Taking This Antibiotic At All Costs

It starts with a sneeze muffled into the sleeve of a gi. Maybe coughing, or bleary red-rimmed eyes. Usually, though, there are no signs until...