BREAKING: Grown-Up Tells You, Another Grown-Up, Where You Can & Can’t...

A grown-ass man has set strict parameters about where you, a fellow grown-ass adult, are allowed to train, according to a report sent to...

“BJJ Is My Therapy,” Says Student Who Is The Reason Teammates...

A Brazilian jiu-jitsu brown belt has become the latest practitioner of the sport to proclaim that participating in a grappling session is equivalent to...

“Stop The P*ssification Of Jiu-Jitsu,” Says Man Who Sits Down To...

Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt Darren Rodgers has publicly condemned what he described as "soft" grappling in a bold post on social media. "Jiu-jitsu is a...

“Jiu-Jitsu Makes Your Kids Bullyproof,” Says Biggest Bully On The Mats

A local BJJ program is being called "the best way to bullyproof your kids," according to jiu-jitsu purple belt and kids coach Ross Farrow. Farrow,...

“Don’t Worry, That’s Normal,” Says Teammate Whose Ankle Just Made The...

A BJJ brown belt on your team is apparently "fine" after a sound he describes as "normal" and everyone else describes as "horrific" erupted...

Local BJJ Student Receives Blue Belt, Becomes Unholy Chimera Of Apex...

A newly promoted BJJ blue belt is currently recovering after undergoing a sudden disturbing transformation. Chad, whose family requested we only use his first name,...

Fat Bearded Man Gets Choked Out After Breaking Into Home Of...

A man with a white beard currently known only by his first name is in stable condition after being choked to sleep following a...

Local Turkey Uses Jiu-Jitsu To Control Aggressive Farmer Until The Cops...

A turkey in Minnesota has been labeled a "hero" in his own community and "a terrifying force of nature" by police after thwarting his...

Local Blue Belt Uncovers “Emotional Affair” Between Girlfriend & Overseas Gi...

In a scandal that has shocked his local jiu-jitsu community, Brazilian jiu-jitsu blue belt Jackson Williams has revealed screenshots that he believes are evidence...

Outrageous Conspiracy Theory Suggests That My Rashguards Didn’t Shrink, I Just...

The latest theory to emerge amongst the COVID-19 news is as offensive as it is false. Despite overwhelming evidence that all of my rashguards were...