3 Reasons To Train At A Smaller Academy.

Where do you train? I hear many people saying they could train with a team like Atos in San Diego or other similar academies....

Muscle vs Athleticism A Day Of Switching Lives

When a bodybuilder and MMA fighter switch lives for a day, they are both very surprised at how little they know about each other's...

Here’s An Intense 5-Minute Workout Designed To Strengthen Your Core For...

Jiu-jitsu often requires very specific types of strength, and thankfully, Laurence Griffiths of BJJ Strength knows a lot about the different exercises you can...

Three Reasons To Skip Supplemental Training

One of the most commonly brought-up topics in jiu-jitsu is supplemental training. Supplemental training is anything extra performed outside of the normal BJJ class in...

Supplements for the Serious Athlete

The brand of supplements that you use doesn’t matter too much, so long as they use the right ingredients. That said, I do prefer...

Simplify Your Workouts By Using These 3 Effective Exercises For BJJ...

When you're short on time and feel overwhelmed by all the strength training videos out there, it helps to simplify your strength training workouts...

Most Of The Gym Should Have Lunk Alarm

What is lunk alarm? It's when some douche working out and making too much noise here is a demo of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eAj08nAFP4 Here is a Roid Rage...

Powerlifter VS Street Workout

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gx45nUETmIA Video by: BodybuildingRev

This “Game” Can Help You Increase Your Hip Mobility And Balance

Whether you've been doing jiu-jitsu for ten days or ten years, you've probably figured out that hip mobility plays a huge role in not...

Your Pre-workout Shouldn’t be a Supplement

Everyone has their magic elixir of what they consume before training, but it is largely based on how the individual reacts to that certain...