I Am Injured And Can’t Train BJJ!

I had a conversation with a BJJ buddy who was very frustrated and down because he had a pulled groin muscle (yes, I made...

Altitude Training: What Works and What Doesn’t

Altitude training. We’ve all heard about it, maybe you’ve even seen guys on The Ultimate Fighter wearing training masks and running in flippers, but...

How To Use A Stability Ball To Increase Your Shoulder Mobility...

Stability balls are often lauded as great tools for improving flexibility and agility, and for good reason. If you own one of these handy...

Health Benefits Of Acai

There are a lot of great berries that would be good to add to your diet. One of the best is the acai berry....

How To Use Swiss Balls To Make Massive Improvements In BJJ

If your academy has Swiss balls or you have some at home, don't let them gather dust. As this video from the Grappling Academy...

Weight Lifting for Beginners/Intermediates Explained

So why should you lift? Because if you plan to be competitive with your grappling, you need to be strong. I’m not saying you...

If Jiu-Jitsu Has Your Lower Back Feeling Like An 80-Year-Old’s, This...

The words "jiu-jitsu" and "lower back pain" go hand in hand for a lot of long-time practitioners, but the causes for those aches you...

Doctor & BJJ Black Belt Chris Moriarty Offers Suggestions For Safely...

As COVID-19 cases dwindle in some areas and continue to increase in others, many people are looking toward the future and wondering how to...

Grandma Getting Stronger: “I think 91 is a Good Age to...

Earlier today, on Starting Strength, a video was posted of a 91-year-old grandmother who has drastically improved her well-being through strength training. See her...

5 Ways To Improve Your BJJ Hygiene

There's a lot of emphasis on staying clean and not-gross while training BJJ, and for good reason. Cleanliness is paramount when rolling around with...